2012년 2월 23일 목요일

Why You Should Have Your Own List Building Concept

Surveys have been conducted to prove that using list building concepts are really one of the most effective methods for website promotion.....People are always questioning whether opt-in lists are really successful and is it worth building a list at all?There are very good reasons that some of the internets biggest gurus always tell you, that the money is in the list.Beleive it or not, there are cases known, of marketers that have earned thousands upon thousands of dollars just by sending a single product promotion to their list. Obviously your opt-in subscribers have given you their details for one simple reason.They recognised a value or advantage from being in your list and rely on you sending them valuable content.Surveys have been conducted to prove that using list building concepts are really one of the most effective methods for website promotion. There are no Iphone 4s Charger signs that this fact could change in the near future.The surveys that were conducted are also undeniable proof, of the massiv earning potential behind an opt-in email list.If a person has gone through a list building concept with a single or double opt-in, they have willingly given their name and email address to recieve further information or offers from you. These subscribers enter their details because they do not want to miss out on any future mailings that are obviously of interest to them.So just what does this tell us? Well, these subscribers have entered your list because they were targeted. Most marketers will set up a landing page in a specific niche. This could be Golf, Fishing, Dating, Marriage, Health etc. etc. Traffic was sent to the landing page over the many channels we are hopefully all aware of, and when they saw that landing page they thought, eh, this is just what I was looking for, or it was a topic that they are interested in. Bam, that is called "Target Marketing". If you put a landing page up for Cigars or Pipe Smoking, most of your opt-ins are going to be male. Set up a landing page for a Stretch Mark Removal Cream, bets are, most of those opt-ins will be female. I am sure you get the picture. Please don't make the mistake of sending your subscribers from the Cigar niche to an offer for Stretch Mark Removal Cream!For every landing Motorcycle Gloves page or niche that you set up, you will have to build a new list. Once again the big advantage here is, your list is targeted to that specific niche. The name you have given your list should also make this clear.One more important thing to note is, do not bombard your list with product offers. If your list building concept was done correctly, you have given your subscribers a free piece of valuable information, an ebook on the topic of their niche or a software that they must have in their marketing toolbox. This could be a link cloaking or keyword generation software. Don't forget though, these should be freebies. A bribe if you want to call it that. Later you will guide them to your product on the backend.To close this, just remember, people do not join companies, they join people. You are not just building a list to generate profits, you are also builing relationships. These people should trust you and you should respect their trust. Looking after your subscribers and giving them these little valuable nuggets you can find all over the net will make them stay loyal to you and they will be waiting in anticipation of your next email.The author uses many different income streams to generate a residual income online. One of his main income is created by list building concepts and he is involved in diverse coaching programs dealing in this topic.List Building Concept

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